Nicu Parente

Product Manager | Salesforce

Seattle WA | Technology

"Transitioned to tech as a lower enlisted grunt in active duty without a degree. Experienced Software Developer and Product Manager. Free 100+ tech career transition resources at"

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I am a Veteran or Service member


  • Ask me about transitioning
  • Ask me about my career
  • Ask me about how to brand and market to employers
  • Ask me anything; I'm here to listen

Profile Info

  • Location

    Seattle, WA 98178, US

  • Timezone

    (GMT-04:00) America/New_York - Eastern Time

  • Industry


Military history

  • Branch of Service


  • Job Code


  • Military Grade/Rank


  • Years of Service


  • Military Status

    Active Duty


  • Product management
  • Software Development
  • Cloud Computing
  • Branch out as an Entrepreneur
  • Mobile App Development

16 Reviews

Cristian Restrepo

August 23, 2024

Speaking with Nicu feels like you're catching up with an old friend. Not only did I feel comfortable from the start comfortable from the start of the conversation, but he also has a genuine interest in your success. He gave me a lot of great insights, advice, and information regarding career paths, job searching, LinkedIn strategy, etc. I can't describe how grateful I am to have had the opportunity to connect and speak with Nicu. He is truly an inspiring mentor.

Elias Khan

July 19, 2024

The hour goes by too fast! Nicu has amazing energy to go along with his incredible experience. He has a whole website dedicated to tech resources and his experience of transitioning from Infantry to Tech working in FAAMNG companies is invaluable for any veteran trying to pivot to tech. I cannot recommend him enough and wish him the best on his future endeavors!

Yulisbel Hines, MSIS, BAS

July 7, 2024

I loved my conversation with Nicu, he is so easy to talk to and gave me a lot of great insights, advice, and information regarding career paths, job searching, LinkedIn strategy, and even recommended books! He is a great source of guidance and I can’t thank him enough for his time and dedication to the veteran community.

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